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Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober, 2010

Various Zombies? I Want That One!

Yay! Back again to my favorite topic of the month, the Zombie Pandemic RPG  which I have been writing about here  and here ! Now I share with you another picture taken from their respected website which have details of the price for upgrading to premium users. I did some editing using GIMP and some free time that really should be put into something more useful (like finishing my work?), ha ha! Now you could see the zombie with pink undies and matching shoes and purple stockings, right? How come I haven't got the chance to face her? I mean, of all the NPC zombie type shown above, how come only that one zombie has been able to elude me so far? Where do I should go to get a chance to fight her? Yeah, I know this might REALLY unimportant to you but maybe someone somewhere out there willing to share the fun with me?

My Rank in the Night of Oct 24, 2010

Tonight I checked my rank in the Zombie Pandemic and here's how I got. I am on top of the list, the one highlighted - but I'm smudged the name out using GIMP - for no reason as you can easily found out who I am there, LOL. Tell me, am I doing good enough? Frankly, I don't think so.

Full Moon Danger

It was almost a full moon. I glanced at the night sky for a moment before whispered to her only both of us could hear, I could take it down for you, dear, if only you would asked me to. Honestly, I don't think you should do it, even if you really could, she smiled as the way only she could. Besides, I don't now what to do with a moon in my possession, do you think? Let her sat there for all of us to see. But I could do it, I insist, and then you'll be... Free? Let her there, for I will surely suffer more if I can no longer see her beauty on nights like this, her whisper sang to me, as she took my hand to hers. We turned our back and headed to the shadows of the forest. Forever hiding, our presence was harmful and lethal to mortals, as long as my life could spare me, one who was in love for a werewolf.

Not Zombie But Maybe Worse

Wonder if any of you have the *cough* opportunity *cough* to watch this movie. This is one of my favorite scene in the movie that I thought was hilarious. Clevon and Wolf went to buy some chickens to celebrate the arrival of Capt. Spaulding, Otis and Baby. When they got to the seller, a redneck, here's the dialogue between the three of them. Redneck (R) : Now, y'all ain't planning on f*cking these chickens, are you? Wolf (W) : What the f*ck are you getting at? Do you f*ck chickens? R:  (chuckles) Well, I have thought about f*cking some chickens before. If you want to have a good time and you need some pussy, you can cut that chicken's head off and stick your dick in that *ss of that chicken, and that chicken'll go crazy on your *ss and go [squawking] W:  Are you saying that I would cut off a chicken's head, put my dick in it, f*ck it, and go "aaahh"? you accusing me of f*cking a chicken, motherf*cker?!?! R:  NO, I... I... I ain...

Slay Before Get Slayed Over. There is No Salvation.

These days I'm doing an online role-playing game, Zombie Pandemic . The developer team stated that Zombie Pandemic is a persistent browser based game (whatever that is!) but as long as it was fun then you can count me in! Last night's stats is this. And this morning I got level up and changed my statistics into this: I haven't been able to figure out which statistics are suitable if I want to be a sniper in this game but by digging into the FAQs and forum posts, I sure can decide which is best to suit my need. Still a long way to go before the server restart to level the game again for all registered players. Can I make it to the Top 100 Player Rank? I don't think so. That make me have to achieve at least ninety level ups! But as sure as I could be dead tomorrow, I can try. Drink to that? :)

Tangerang Selatan Sepertinya Akan Mulai Hangat

Di mana-mana sudah terlihat poster, stiker, baliho, spanduk pasangan bakal calon walikota dan wakil walikota untuk Tangerang Selatan! Menarik juga mengamati pemilu kepala daerah kali ini mengingat pasangan yang terpilih akan menjadi walikota dan wakil yang pertama dari daerah pemekaran kota Tangerang ini. Sebagai orang yang telah berdomisili beberapa lama di wilayah Serpong yang termasuk dalam wilayah kota Tangerang Selatan, pertarungan ini menarik dan mencemaskan. Namun tetap saja aku punya harapan bahwa daerah ini akan menjadi lebih terurus dibandingkan kondisinya sekarang. Bila kalian tak ada yang berdomisili di wilayah Tangerang Selatan, mungkin tak memahami kekuatiranku. Tinggal di sini terasa seperti pemerintahnya tidak ada. Mungkin mereka meniru pemerintah pusat? Ha ha. Billboard Pasangan Arsid - Andre Aku belum tahu pasangan Drs. H. Arsid, Msi (gelar apa ini “Msi”?) dan Andre Taulany diusung partai apa tetapi menarik juga bahwa billboard sebesar ini ditempeli spandu...

Oatmeal Prediction About My Demise by Cannibals

Created by Oatmeal

Oatmeal's Germ on Phone Test

Created by Oatmeal BTW, that's translate into about germs on 225 toilet seats.

Oatmeal's Twitter Addiction Test

Created by Oatmeal

Hard First Day of October

Today is the first day of October. Even though it’s still Day One, workload is already taking its toll on me. It’s not that I don’t like working. It’s just that taking care of other guys’ FU s means I’m spending my resources to HELP others when I’m sure that there’s no one available to HELP me with my job. Surely one thing that I really need is time for myself. For contemplating. Or for relaxing. I’d like to meet my sister while she’s on duty in Jakarta but then when will I have time to do my tasks? If I use this weekend to meet Linda, then how about my work load?