How many times a day that you should check your Twitter account? What Twitter apps that you should use to optimize your interaction? That's the question that really bugging me right now because I won two free tickets for a movie! The thing is that I know about the information AFTER it was expired. Jakarta Globe DM-ed Me! So you see, this kind of thing suck because I seldom win anything from any quiz! That day I lost a chance to claim two free tickets for a movie that I'd probably will never watch. All because I don't check my social media routinely. *Sigh*
Mencari Jalur Paling Tepat Yang Akan Mengantarkan Sampai Ke Tujuan. Sayangnya Terlalu Sering Nyasar Di Jalan. Berhenti Dan Reorientasi. Lalu Lanjutkan Lagi.