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Prewedding Photography, From My Own Perspective...

I have a lot of friends whose earning are through photography, so I can guess what would they think of me for writing this.


One of the most lucrative subcategory of photography business is Prewedding Photography. Everybody seemed to be doing this because the demand is quite high. There are a lot of couples want to have some series of photos to display at their reception. Many photographers are offering this service.


I see there can be pressure to the couple to match -- or even out-do -- the photographs displayed at their friends' or relatives' wedding ceremonies. From as low as a couple of millions (in some regions are even lower!), to the big numbers for big customers. From simple outdoor or studio session to trip to other continent, the offer as various as the customers' ability to pay. There are the competition among the photographers for the services offered. There are competitions -- albeit no one would admit --- among the would-be married couples.


A few years back, this trend seemed to be non-exist but now you can see it in almost any wedding decorations.


But to me, you don't have to do this thing. Prewedding photos are just another thing to do that does not have to be done. It adds more unnecessary burden to the couple, emotionally and financially.


Prewedding photographs are there for decorations only.


Even worse, somehow your wedding cancelled for whatever reasons, what would you do about the prewedding photos?


By all means, if you can afford the time, the energy, and the money, go with it! But know this: you don't have to do it!


If you decide to not do prewedding photography, that's good. If you still do it, even compelled or even think it's customary and expected from your friends and families, then do it.


But remember: It is the wedding photographs that you will mostly cherish, because all the people you cared for were there in the frames.


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