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Menampilkan postingan dari Juli, 2013

Learn And Unlearn

What I need right now is to learn new things or dig deeper for some of the topics I already know but only on the surface. To be more knowledgeable would benefit me. But I can lost focus easily which would make my learning process hard. And then I must unlearn some things that useless or not really useful for next five years. I can only depend on myself, right?

This Saturday Morning

Sometimes, like on this Saturday morning, I log on to company's network and reply emails. Even compiled and sent report for everyone involved in my part of work. Why would I do that? I don't know. This is not the usual me. But since I don't feel any obligation to do that work, I'm fine with it.


Melakukan perjalanan sehari-hari menggunakan angkutan umum membuatku sadar bahwa kita berbeda. Menurutku, aku sepantasnya bersyukur atas apa yang aku peroleh. Dari mengamati sekitar, aku diingatkan bahwa masih ada banyak orang yang taraf ekonominya lebih rendah, tapi bisa terlihat hidup lebih berbahagia. Misalnya si supir angkot tadi. Dia terlihat sangat senang bisa bawa pulang tiga puluh ribu rupiah pada hari ini. Aku? Bawa pulang sepuluh kali lipatnya pun, belum tentu bisa tersenyum. Sangat berbeda. Jauh. Mungkin hidupku terlalu serius dan aku sering melihat gelas yang setengah kosong.

New Challenge!

Okay ! Now that it's official, I've been declared by my manager as the new Project Controller in MEGA 2 project that (informally) will be launched next week! That means I would be doing more work and my bosses will depend on me to supply them with the gist of roll-out progress. Of course I'm afraid that I would screwed up on this. But I think that feeling is normal whenever anyone get assigned to a new role that one never request. I don't know how my boss pick me for this role. Was it because I seemed to be able to answer some question faster than anybody else? Was it because of my attitude? Or how I dressed and interact in meeting with customers? Or was it because no one else will take the role? I will found out as time goes by and I took on the new role. This is a challenge and I hope I can do it!

Here Is To The Night

Now I know that dance music is not going to go away. So here is to the night, in which I wish I have you here with me.