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New Challenge!


Now that it's official, I've been declared by my manager as the new Project Controller in MEGA 2 project that (informally) will be launched next week!

That means I would be doing more work and my bosses will depend on me to supply them with the gist of roll-out progress. Of course I'm afraid that I would screwed up on this.

But I think that feeling is normal whenever anyone get assigned to a new role that one never request.

I don't know how my boss pick me for this role.

Was it because I seemed to be able to answer some question faster than anybody else? Was it because of my attitude? Or how I dressed and interact in meeting with customers?

Or was it because no one else will take the role?

I will found out as time goes by and I took on the new role.

This is a challenge and I hope I can do it!


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