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Don't Deviate From Your Own Path For Too Long

You and I, we all have life of our own, each with its path.
You might know what's yours but I am still in the process of figuring that out.
What I need is mentor(s) and reasonable friends who'd understand that I might need more help from them than anything I can offer them at all.
Well, maybe I won't be able to repay any of them adequately but don't worry, I'd pay forward.
In the mean time, please don't deviate from your own path. But if you ever do, don't be lost for too long because you might not be able to go back on track and that could be unhealthy, unprosperous, dangerous, or even lethal.

Fun With Friends!
If there come the time when you want to try something else that was new or novel, just do it since there might be no other time or second chances.

So later in life, you might have more stories to tell than I do. Telling people stories about what happened is much more interesting that telling them about "what if", right?

I don't know whether you'd understand what I wrote or not, sometimes, me neither!


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