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Body. Terrible.

My body just feel terrible. Maybe that's because I spend my day, the whole day, by sleeping and eating and sleeping again. I avoid thinking because that would make me feel dizzy. I try not to wake too lomg because my body felt weak. I eat just that much to not making me woke up from sleep feeling hungry. Also just drink water enough not to wake up because of full bladder but in the same time not to be dehydrated.

In short, sloth.

Which was a very bad decision from my part because now I felt guilty of wasting such a perfect weather outside, and thinking that tomorrow I might be dead because of heart attack.

I might be. The heart attack.

Been such a long time since the last time I did serious workout.

Now I sport a flabby stomach, very short breath, and shameful stamina. Very unhealthy and not attractive at all.

Why not I change? I need to.

Because if I did continue like this, it would be better if I buy a gun and kill myself instantly than to suffer slow torturous death.

I'm hyperbolic? No, don't think so. I might look okay in the next couple of years but in a decade? The impact could come in the form of high (or low) blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, and such "white people diseases" that is costly to medicate or cure. And I don't want to have that.


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Bugging Me

Look, I am not a person that you might call "grammar Nazi" but CMIIW, shouldn't this ad be corrected? Is it or is it not the correct word should be " SMOOTHER "?

Mengingat Jalan Raya Serpong

Ada banyak hal yang bisa kuingat dari Jalan Raya Serpong kalau nantinya aku jadi meninggalkan tempat ini. Bukan berarti aku akan merindukannya. Bisa jadi aku cuma akan mengingat beberapa hal saja sehingga perlu menuliskan beberapa hal di sini. Iklan Pilkada Ratu Atut-Rano Karno Ter- stretch  Mungkin pilkada gubernur dan wakil gubernur Propinsi Banten pada tahun 2011 ini adalah satu-satunya pilkada gubernur setempat yang aku ada di sana ketika berlangsung. Sebenarnya melihat dari jumlah spanduk, iklan billboard, stiker gratis, pamflet dan hal lainnya, bisa ditebak kalau pasangan inilah yang menjadi berbahagia sebagai pasangan yang menang! Memang sepertinya Ratu Atut masih belum ada lawan. Tidak tahu apakah Rano Karno akan berfungsi secara optimal dan efektif. Sepertinya itu adalah soal lain.

Pameran 200 Tahun Raden Saleh

Billboard Pameran Raden Saleh di Parkiran Museum Nasional