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2014 is Such An Eventful Year

Such an eventful year, this past 2014. Many things happened for the first time. Achievements and failures. Hopes fulfilled, dreams realised, sweat and tears spent, some in vain, some were not. Brightly-colored or dull-grey and black.

Too many to count.

2014 is the year this company I worled for, gave me a "Best Employee" award, one recipient among a hundred, out of around six thousand employees.

Pride? Yes.

But I am perfectly aware it was teamwork and the achievement was never mine alone.

2014 is the year that I as an adult finally used my right to vote, on both elections. First accompanied by my father, may his soul rest in peace, the second was to fulfill my promise to him while standing on his bed at the hospital. We put high hopes on the guy we trust to be the president and gladly for us until this day, he hasn't failed us the way his predecessor did. Even in test of times like reducing fuel subsidies and AirAsia crisis.

2014 is the year we buried our dad. He was in pain in intensive care unit for weeks here in Pekanbaru and actually when he passed away, I am glad the ordeal was finally over. Never easy to see your own family tied to machines which kept him alive. Scene like that would never be erased, only the feelings associated with it will change nuances, yet never forgotten.

2014 is the year I take a new healthy hobby: cycling. Buying my first personally owned bile, with my own money. Cycling is a way I beat my own psychological barriers. A way to meet my limit and surpass them. And I did. Lost 7 kgs in six months, of course by reducing sugar and eating healthier food (but not as frequently as I knew I should be).

2014 is the year I start GoPro-ing after years of only dreaming. A lot to learn and to try. I am still experimenting, as my plan tomorrow morning.

2014 is the year I saw tension among people of different religions escalate. Intolerance rising even more. And the previous government, as usual, not give a damn about this. This is a part that I fear our new president might fail.

Enough of 2014.

Here is for 2015, where I will embark on a new phase of professional life, achieve more than last year, and learn how to wheelie and bunny-hop!


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