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I Got You On Record!

As any cyclist who has daily commute in these roads, sometimes brushing with other road user is inevitable. Don't let me start with my own experience, I might bore you. But because safety is my main concern, and also I want to try my hand at video editing, I decided to install my action camera on my second bicycle.

I figure that I will get both needs fulfilled by doing it. Healthier body by cycling. Video materials for editing and uploading.

Rear Mounted Action Cam
Okay, I did get some good footage by doing this stuff but what is material without working them and then share the result?

You see, my GoPro Studio, somehow unable to open the video files that I downloaded to my laptop. It just won't recognize the file format. Made me angry, because it's a GoPro video files but unrecognized by its own video editing software. Really not happy with this and even more because I didn't know what's wrong. Being not knowing how to solve this problem is really make me frustrated.

I tried to google some helpful hint about this issue but until tonight I still get nothing useful to point me to the right solution. Didn't know if anybody out there have similar issue. If you somehow have similar issue and you know the workaround, just let me know.

Until then, I got people recorded in the video but there's no way I could publish. Not yet.


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Bugging Me

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Parkir "Ngaco" dan Tak Pedulian...(?)

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