In the past few weeks, the current deputy told us (and me) that we must work very hard until May 2013. Very hard, we have meeting at 7 PM weeknights! Why May 2013? Because that's the target that all our 250-ish sites must get to the last status of ready for construction. That's good because I know the deadline of this project but that means that the latest I will be in this town is June 2013. After that, who knows? This is project. I am hired based on what people interviewed me think I am capable of. But you see there will be less people in the team because one person will not extend contract. Another guy, not yet received new contract. Anyway, I know I can get the challenge here done and done well. But to think that at June 2013 I will not be sure where I will be, that's not pleasant. And because of that issue, I cannot support Pandai Besi's crowdfunding project, although I am very keen on helping. Well, maybe another city or another town won't be...