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Prepare To Move Again!

In the past few weeks, the current deputy told us (and me) that we must work very hard until May 2013. Very hard, we have meeting at 7 PM weeknights!

Why May 2013?

Because that's the target that all our 250-ish sites must get to the last status of ready for construction.

That's good because I know the deadline of this project but that means that the latest I will be in this town is June 2013.

After that, who knows? This is project. I am hired based on what people interviewed me think I am capable of.

But you see there will be less people in the team because one person will not extend contract. Another guy, not yet received new contract.

Anyway, I know I can get the challenge here done and done well.

But to think that at June 2013 I will not be sure where I will be, that's not pleasant.

And because of that issue, I cannot support Pandai Besi's crowdfunding project, although I am very keen on helping.

Well, maybe another city or another town won't be bad.

But I got to think about my stuffs. Too much to carry around.


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Bugging Me

Look, I am not a person that you might call "grammar Nazi" but CMIIW, shouldn't this ad be corrected? Is it or is it not the correct word should be " SMOOTHER "?

Pameran 200 Tahun Raden Saleh

Billboard Pameran Raden Saleh di Parkiran Museum Nasional

Parkir "Ngaco" dan Tak Pedulian...(?)

Yeah aku tahu kalau memang parkir mundur itu SULIT apalagi kalau available space for maneuvering  sangat terbatas. Tetapi kenapa -- kalau memang masih ada waktu untuk itu -- tidak melakukan koreksi atas posisi parkir mobil yang kita pergunakan kalau kita sadar itu bisa menyulitkan diri sendiri untuk keluar dari parkiran nantinya (atau orang lain untuk memasuki tempat parkir di sebelah kita)? Misalnya posisi di atas, seberapa sulitnya untuk sadar bahwa posisi parkir kita itu SANGAT MIRING bahkan sampai memakan space parkir sebelah kita? Serendah itukah kemampuan mengemudimu? Yang terpikirkan olehku adalah dia terburu-buru ( positive thinking ) atau tak pedulian ( negative thinking ). Atau: Apakah SIM A yang kau pergunakan itu diperoleh dengan cara-cara tak pantas atau bahkan ilegal? Mengapa oh mengapa dirimu parkir dengan posisi sedemikian rupa?