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Live With Your Own Hands

You have hands, two of them. Why not create something that you can appreciate?

You are able-bodied young man, why not build something tangible and would last?

Why spend so many times in front of computer, doing things for big companies, making/processing/analyzing datas that in one or two months from now, no one will use anymore?

Why spend minimum twelve hours in an office and most of the time you would come home with nothing to be proud of, nothing to be showed to?

Where's dignity in that? Self-respect? Where's the satisfaction?

I know this current project is not easy. It's complex and is high stake for a lot of people. And with that came the clases, issues, bickerings and stress. But you got to kjow your capacity, your depth of character, your ingenious way of solving problems, seeing opportunities, and act upon them.

You push yourself hard to achieve any and all target that were set upon you on daily, weekly, monthly, basis. You take them all and work real hard because you know nothing else.

Because that is the only way you know how to sustain your life and your lifestyle.

If this is the life you decided you want to keep on living, then by all means, keep doing it!

Your life. Your choice. Live with the consequence.

And do try to enjoy it as much as you can.


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