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Full Moon Danger - Two

(read Full Moon Danger - One, here)

I guess you don't understand that living with a creature that supposed to be a myth, would be just... Normal.

I had a lot of friends before I met her and then everything seemed just natural, which mean that she became my only companion. I didn't know whether it was I who just fell and disappear from my social circle or was it that my friends and colleagues gradually put distance from me. Either way, I don't care much right now because she is the most important part of my present life right now.

Almost Full Moon Again
Okay, there were times when it would be very dangerous to be together, especially on nights like this, but the feeling of living life to the fullest, with her, is like a drug and I am an insatiable junkie.

Wow, now I does sound stupid.

Our life is normal, most of the time. She is the happiest when we were together, I know that by just seeing her eyes, listen to her words, smelling the scent of her body, savoring the touch of her skin. It was like being in love, falling again and again, and each experience is like the very first time.

She told me that she doesn't want to lose me, ever.

That feeling is mutual, I said.

Because if ever one of us ever leave, the other person that left behind would be in an unimaginable pain.

That's what I thought. The more time passed that we are together, the more that kind of thoughts interrupted my work. Oh, I do some work. We both have to feed on something because like all human, we do eat like other normal people. It was only on some occassion like this night that we prefer different kind of meals.

Like right now, she looked at me from the bars that separate us. I think that was pain flickered in her eyes, mingled with lust and vicious hunger. Her limbs chained with the other ends staked deep into the rocks and earth that became two sides of the cell. I personally make sure that the chains and stakes are almost unbreakable unless you have explosives to blew everything including the flesh that currently strained by the bind. Her moves make the chains taut and clinking, sometimes I wonder when it will break and she would rushed forward to me with all claws out and jaws open baring sharp teeth.

No, I cannot continue imagining things like this.

That's when I retreated to the the stairs. Only after reaching the bottom steps that I turned my back on her and slowly ascending.

I did this for us, I thought. There is nothing more important than keeping you safe even if there would cause you pain.

Reaching the cellar door, I opened it and stepped into our barn. Dawn would be a few more hours and then I will descend again to get to my lifetime companion, for our relationship which both of us have sacrifice so much.


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