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Appearance is Important

So today I met with the new VP of HR in front of the elevator lobby and he asked me why did I dressed up, to which I said that each week from Monday until Thursday I usually met with various vendors, whether scheduled or improptu visit.

I also told him that if those vendors came to our office wearing batik or formal shirt but I came out wearing t-shirt or looked like I was hanging out at a bus terminal, the company image will probably hurt. There was actually bigger chance that the people I met would take my instruction differently. Other reason was that it would show I respect myself and the person I'm meeting with.

Of course I'm not saying that my experience taught me that same instruction from the same person using different outfit will certainly carries different weight.

Appearance matters a lot.

He agreed.

Good for me, my point was delivered across well enough.


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Bugging Me

Look, I am not a person that you might call "grammar Nazi" but CMIIW, shouldn't this ad be corrected? Is it or is it not the correct word should be " SMOOTHER "?

Pameran 200 Tahun Raden Saleh

Billboard Pameran Raden Saleh di Parkiran Museum Nasional

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