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Fun Sunday! Yeay! (Drive Books Not Cars)

Because of Linda and my brother -- I must admit that I was very interested -- we came to Drive Books Not Cars Jakarta that was holding a charity event where they sold used books for like, really cheap, where the money that collected from the sales will be used for making libraries(!) for less fortunate children in some part of Indonesia. What a noble idea!

Of Course It Was  A Fake. No Glass Was THAT Big.

A lot of people went there and of course, a "free Starbucks" was a real magnet for tempting people to come to the event. I don't mind because whether or not I get those free stuffs, I'd still have a chance of acquiring some good books that otherwise I won't be able to afford.

People Got Attracted By The "Free" Word.
 Yes, it was a Car Free Day at Jl. Thamrin, Jakarta Pusat. I have to use an indirect route just to avoid the roadblocks to accomodate all the good people that intended to have some outdoor sport activity. The event where they hold the second books sale is at a parking yard in front of eX.

Would Be Books Buyers.
 I love it when I see there were a lot of people that came and were actually attracted to sale of books! Of secondhand books! But maybe a lot of us that day were actually just interested in finding cheap books. I know I am! Hooray for being cheapskate!

From the parking entrance of eX.
I don't mind being called names just because I love books, you should know that reading bookis fun. For me, it's a way to stimulate some ideas -- however simple and insignificant -- then post it here in my blog or somewhere else.

People was like just noticing the event.
But I noticed the trend that the more I spend online in Twitter, the less frequent I'd be updating my blogs.

I uploaded some photos for you that may want to know what happened back then but have no money to go to the eX or just being overslept.

Another shot from the entrance.
Hopefully, these photos might give you some feeling about how the event rolled out.

Concentrating On Finding What You Might Want.
Personally, I thought in the beginning of the event, there would be a book for any type of people that came to shop. Yet the more time went, the more books being grabbed by other people that came earlier.

Books! Books! And More Books!

Sorting and Trying to find some book that the customer would want to buy.

The organizing team wear red shirf.
I was hoping that later they would organize another team and then would arrange another books sale. Yes, please?


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Bugging Me

Look, I am not a person that you might call "grammar Nazi" but CMIIW, shouldn't this ad be corrected? Is it or is it not the correct word should be " SMOOTHER "?

Pameran 200 Tahun Raden Saleh

Billboard Pameran Raden Saleh di Parkiran Museum Nasional

Parkir "Ngaco" dan Tak Pedulian...(?)

Yeah aku tahu kalau memang parkir mundur itu SULIT apalagi kalau available space for maneuvering  sangat terbatas. Tetapi kenapa -- kalau memang masih ada waktu untuk itu -- tidak melakukan koreksi atas posisi parkir mobil yang kita pergunakan kalau kita sadar itu bisa menyulitkan diri sendiri untuk keluar dari parkiran nantinya (atau orang lain untuk memasuki tempat parkir di sebelah kita)? Misalnya posisi di atas, seberapa sulitnya untuk sadar bahwa posisi parkir kita itu SANGAT MIRING bahkan sampai memakan space parkir sebelah kita? Serendah itukah kemampuan mengemudimu? Yang terpikirkan olehku adalah dia terburu-buru ( positive thinking ) atau tak pedulian ( negative thinking ). Atau: Apakah SIM A yang kau pergunakan itu diperoleh dengan cara-cara tak pantas atau bahkan ilegal? Mengapa oh mengapa dirimu parkir dengan posisi sedemikian rupa?