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Focus On What's More Important: My Life and My Surroundings

Let's just say that I suffered from a form of modern day ailment: Social Media Fatigue.

I spent so much time checking and share update on many social medias that I subscribe to, I have almost no time or energy for anything else. I barely keep up with this blog or any other blog that I have, no new Flickr update, Tumblr post down to almost none, and such.

Even my tweets are no longer funny, smart, or entertaining. I even lose my ability to laugh at myself, all I want to do is "outshare" everybody else on such and such social media accounts.

And one most time, energy, and mind consuming social media of all?


Due to its most smart limitation, only to 150 "friends", that means you only accept or invite people you really want to share your life with. You think those people are more "special" than other acquaintances that you select them carefully and thus follow closely their updates because, hey, they accept you and return the favor, that can only mean you are as important in their life as theirs to you, right?

Not quite right, man.

And with that, your "commitment" to them also your undoing.

Or mine, exactly.

So many times I found myself scrolling and commenting and sending funny stickers when I should be doing something more important, like professionally important, or having some much needed rest. And this addiction to friends' updates kept me procrastinating long enough I barely done what's the minimum requirements that was expected of me in the position I held.

That's bad and I must control this "addiction". Change so that habit of consuming information from friends that hinder me from experience the moment of right then and there, of enjoying whatever Life throw at me.

I even almost in the state of ignoring my surroundings and real people physically present with me because I kept on checking that four inch screen and see what other friends are doing and share on their accounts because, hey, they are my friends, right?

Wrong, dude.

What I manage to do is show disrespect of people I am with. And even when most people not say anything, I know I would be uneasy in their position if the same thing happened to me.

So I do what I think good for this moment:

I delete Path app from my phone.

Now let's see what would happen in these few days I'm taking sabbatical from Path. Hopefully, I will get good stories and photos to show you!


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