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Should I Be Worry?

I have thought that being in-between jobs would be interesting enough because I would then have time to do what I wanted, personal projects and pursuing hobby.

But then I read about dire condition in the Europe and United States, about young people being jobless or must take underpaying work just to get barely independent. Some are even moving back to their parents' house or living rent free with their friends. People with higher education degree compete for jobs that were previously offered to immigrants who would accept lower salary.

Here I thought that it would be always sunshine and happy yet I know in some corner of my mind that that wouldn't be so. Should I be worry?

Of course I should.

The more time I spent being unemployed, the more chance that I wouldn't get a follow up for job interview after sending out my resume. Even more risk because I lived in Indonesia, where competition is actually fierce and employers can be very picky because there's more people seeking work than positions that are opened.

That's why I decided to take the current offer while constantly prepare for the imminent and unavoidable rainy season called free trade. I am competitive and restless.

I am worried but the only option left is to push forward.


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