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Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2018

Headache Because Don't Know What's Wrong

I have a headache because I don't know what's wrong with my personal laptop. I bought Microsoft Office 365 which I can't install on my personal laptop. I downloaded and installed GoPro application which I can't open on my personal laptop. Does 1TB of harddisk is the cause? Or is it Windows 8? Or is it because this is a five years old laptop? The thing is I don't want to have to buy a new laptop but to be able to use only for web applications? Cloud based service? I can't use cloud based service from Microsoft. My source files are larger than 5MB which is the limiting file size the web browser based Office can open. It displayed that I must use the full program to open this large file. Error message when trying to open source file. I did pay for the Office 365 subscription so I hurt my wallet, paying for service I can't use, all because I can't get the installation working past the welcoming screen. Setup welcoming screen. All the ...

Dalam Meeting Business Process And System Update

Jadi hari ini aku terlibat dalam meeting yang cukup rumit dan seperti above my paygrade . Kehadiranku di sini lebih karena tidak ada orang lain yang lebih qualified hadir di kantor. Bisa dibilang semua orang menghindar dari pekerjaan seperti ini (apakah dianggap membosankan?) tapi setelah dianggap robust  dan melakukan final presentation  lalu para pengguna kemudian protes seperti "lho kok kaya begini?" Ketidaksesuaian seperti ini yang memang perlu dihindari. Kita kalau membuatkan sistem baru yang ingin streamlining dengan semua pengguna dalam satu grup perusahaan, dalam perusahaan yang ingin membesar, pastilah tidak mudah dan tidak murah. Tapi tentu saja ada orang-orang yang merasa terlibat langsung membuatkan sistem itu beneath myself  katanya lalu mendelegasikan tetapi ketika pekerjaan selesai dan mau launching,  protes dan minta diganti. Yang bisa kita lakukan adalah menerima penugasan dan pendelegasian tugas lalu kita jalankan sebaik-baiknya dan memikirkan s...

Akhirnya Aku Melakukannya!

Bulan September ini patut kucatat sebagai salah satu bulan yang berbeda. Kenapa berbeda? Karena ada banyak hal baru yang kucoba lakukan. Ada yang kulakukan sendiri, ada yang dibantu oleh orang lain. Aku mencoba melakukan beberapa hal yang dari dulu hanya berupa angan-angan, sendainya aku begini atau seandainya aku begitu . Tentu saja belum akan kuceritakan di sini biarpun aku sebenarnya antusias untuk berbagi. Akhirnya aku melakukannya!

Talking With A PhD And Some Google Search Brought Me Here

I know that I have this restless feeling like I waste too much time on things that add no value to my upgrading scheme. I want to learn something new. I want to create online content for myself. I need to mantain my health, body and soul. Then I met with a longtime friend who is doing research for his post-doc something something and he told me he learn new programming language. He needed this skill so he can sift through data sets he got from satellites. He need to make sense of all the numbers contained in those many files. He took up R. He said how he use available scripts to finish data visualization in less than an hour his government superior needed. So I am very interested eventhough I know my basic for computer language, much less programming, hasn't been used for like around fifteen years. But I know need this "new" skill set that might -- emphasis on might -- bring me more money later in life. I know I am just following a current trend but why not? ...

Instead Of Reading, Writing

I know that I should be reading stuff that expand my knowledge base in each and every time I have spare time. The "me time" should be to be as informed as possible. A lot of topics I need to know and to dive deeper. A not easy task but achieveable. Just be determined enough with it. Keep up with everything. Also therefore I am restraining myself from spending time on warung kopi  somewhere, spending more and more. Remember each money I spend on consumables or fashion products I don't need, is money I can't take back and invest on. Pretty bad for my future.

Make Some Free Time For Yourself

Here I am, wondering how can I make some free time for myself so I can start doing some coding on the side. Yes, I decided that I might  need new ability, that is to code something. A computer program, if I may. Why? Because this is a new era where data matters. I have to be able to at least know some programming stuff, expanding (or taking up) from where I left a few years ago. Like when I started with Pascal. Then some Basic. Then move to Fortran. Never get my hands on C. What language now I will study? Either Phyton, or R. Whichever have the most free accessible library for me to study. Back to the title: how do I make some free time? I know I can, just have to find which part of my habit to kick out. Let's do this!

Evaluasi Beberapa Hari Setelahnya

Jadi seperti yang pernah kutulis di sini sebelumnya, ketika aku mulai menulis lagi di blog ini, orang-orang sudah tidak lagi mengunjungi situs blog seperti ini. Tulisan opini sudah tidak lagi menarik untuk digarap. Persaingannya besar untuk dapat attention  tetapi pembaca sudah sedikit. Terlalu banyak orang yang berpindah platform  ke media sosial yang berat di foto dan video (dengan beberapa merk yang tak perlu disebutkan namanya sudah "menguasai" pasaran). Kita ini manusia yang condong di stimulasi visual berupa gambar diam dan gambar bergerak. Lebih memuaskan indera dan otak manusia. Membaca simbol seperti susunan karakter (tulisan seperti ini misalnya), dirasa tidak menarik atau tidak bermanfaat. Setidaknya itu pembacaanku  atas tren masa kini. Aku tidak punya cukup sumber daya untuk meriset sendiri. Yang kupikirkan memang di mana-mana aku makin jarang melihat orang membaca sumber tulisan seperti buku atau setidaknya koran dan majalah yang memasukkan foto sebag...

Optimization, Already Tried Or Not?

Note: This post was firs drafted on December 23, 2013. Yes, almost 5 years ago. That's how long my ideas hibernate - or wither and died. **inaudible sigh** Optimization That's the word I'm looking for in adapting my schedule to an idea of living a healthier life. Being a corporate minion for almost a decade now, the change in physical appearance is getting more disturbing. I gained weight. Around the belly. Getting the button and zipper on my pants done became harder and harder. I ate a lot of carbs and fat and almost no exercise, I tire easily. Trial So what I did? I reduce my rice intake. If I ever go to any luncheon where I can scoop my own share of rice, I won't take any. Avoid rice. Add more vegetables and protein sources instead. No more deep fried snacks like everybody else in the office. Leave room if necessary, as long as I can avoid the temptation. Hard, really, but achieveable with some minor tension inside me. Yes, you can't kick th...

Nobody's Using Blogger/Blogspot Anymore

Why bother update this at all? That's my original thought when I checked the statistic of this blog. It seemed like no one bother to read blogs (mine or anybody's personal blog) at all. This writing used up my time and my money (internet connections aren't free nor cheap in my country). And after further searching around topic of personal blogging, I did arrive at conclusion that no one do this anymore, just for the sake of writing. Either people monetize the blog somehow, or just quit already. Here's what I should do, at least what I thought: I should write more and more about any topic that interest me, aligned those topics with current situation, buy a domain name that feel pro, use non-free template for the blog, change the layout to be more interesting. Maybe create some videos of stuffs that related to my writings, post them in YouTube, and link them in my post here, or maybe some once a month podcast post in Soundcloud? A lot of work for ...

A Life Spent Learning

Tadinya akan kutulis dalam bahasa Inggris tapi ternyata cukup sulit juga karena sudah lama sekali aku tak menulis. Sedih, tapi apa boleh buat. Kehidupan harus berjalan dan dalam perjalanan, ada pelajaran yang bisa didapatkan. Hidup baiknya dihabiskan untuk belajar. Lalu praktekkan ilmunya. Lalu evaluasi. Lalu belajar dari hasil evaluasi. Lalu diulang lagi, praktekkan. Semacam loop besar yang dilakukan dengan maksud untuk memperbaiki diri sendiri. Tak mungkin, kan, begini-begini saja? Stagnan atau mengikuti arus itu tidak enak kalau belum merasa "cukup", seperti sekarang. Ada kegelisahan besar, merasa "belum cukup" berbuat. "Belum cukup" mengumpulkan. "Belum cukup" menghasilkan. "Belum cukup" mapan. Masih banyak "belum cukup"-"belum cukup" yang lainnya. Tidak enak rasanya. Ada banyak pelajaran di luar sana tetapi aku saja yang tak bisa mendapatkan sebanyak-banyaknya dalam waktu sesingkat mungkin.