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Optimization, Already Tried Or Not?

Note: This post was firs drafted on December 23, 2013. Yes, almost 5 years ago. That's how long my ideas hibernate - or wither and died. **inaudible sigh**


That's the word I'm looking for in adapting my schedule to an idea of living a healthier life. Being a corporate minion for almost a decade now, the change in physical appearance is getting more disturbing.

I gained weight. Around the belly. Getting the button and zipper on my pants done became harder and harder.

I ate a lot of carbs and fat and almost no exercise, I tire easily.


So what I did? I reduce my rice intake. If I ever go to any luncheon where I can scoop my own share of rice, I won't take any. Avoid rice. Add more vegetables and protein sources instead. No more deep fried snacks like everybody else in the office. Leave room if necessary, as long as I can avoid the temptation. Hard, really, but achieveable with some minor tension inside me.

Yes, you can't kick the old habit just like snapping your fingers. Train and persistence. What did I do? Doing some trial, adapting in steps but being disciplined.

All I can say that my effort did worked out. My abdomen circumference got smaller. Changed my eating habit, trial this and that way until I find some ways that worked for me. Stick with it.


Now I wonder whether I can expand this optimization and trial to other aspects, such as can I learn something new while keeping up with my work requirement?

Can I further my effort at maintaining my heatlher lifestyle, incremental optimization, analysing result and keeping data? In this age, data tracking tools are abundant. Just up to me which app to use.

Let's do this!


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