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Talking With A PhD And Some Google Search Brought Me Here

I know that I have this restless feeling like I waste too much time on things that add no value to my upgrading scheme.

I want to learn something new.

I want to create online content for myself.

I need to mantain my health, body and soul.

Then I met with a longtime friend who is doing research for his post-doc something something and he told me he learn new programming language. He needed this skill so he can sift through data sets he got from satellites. He need to make sense of all the numbers contained in those many files.

He took up R. He said how he use available scripts to finish data visualization in less than an hour his government superior needed.

So I am very interested eventhough I know my basic for computer language, much less programming, hasn't been used for like around fifteen years. But I know need this "new" skill set that might -- emphasis on might -- bring me more money later in life. I know I am just following a current trend but why not?

So I fired up Google Search and man, I got plenty of hits. I got basic and free tutorials which if I want to get to the next level, I need to charge my credit card for it.

Well, education is free -- up to some level. If need to be advancing in some areas, I have to fork out more money. Understandable but wish I can avoid it. Which will never happens.


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