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Headache Because Don't Know What's Wrong

I have a headache because I don't know what's wrong with my personal laptop. I bought Microsoft Office 365 which I can't install on my personal laptop. I downloaded and installed GoPro application which I can't open on my personal laptop. Does 1TB of harddisk is the cause? Or is it Windows 8? Or is it because this is a five years old laptop?

The thing is I don't want to have to buy a new laptop but to be able to use only for web applications? Cloud based service?

I can't use cloud based service from Microsoft. My source files are larger than 5MB which is the limiting file size the web browser based Office can open. It displayed that I must use the full program to open this large file.

Error message when trying to open source file.

I did pay for the Office 365 subscription so I hurt my wallet, paying for service I can't use, all because I can't get the installation working past the welcoming screen.

Setup welcoming screen.

All the Setup.exe did was "Please wait while the program is being prepared..." or something like that. I have to make time to fix this problem.


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Bugging Me

Look, I am not a person that you might call "grammar Nazi" but CMIIW, shouldn't this ad be corrected? Is it or is it not the correct word should be " SMOOTHER "?

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Perbandingan Gado-Gado

Sebelumnya minta maaf tak ada foto karena beberapa alasan. Baiklah, begini ceritanya: Tadi siang akhirnya aku membeli lagi gado-gado dari langgananku yang biasa mangkal di dekat sebuah rumah sakit. Sudah lama sekali tak makan di sini karena beberapa kali aku datang selalu saja sudah habis. Cukup laris memang, apalagi mengingat biasanya dia mulai berjualan pukul 10:00 pagi dan pada 12:30 biasanya dagangannya sudah habis. Seporsi gado-gado buatannya bisa didapat seharga 5.500 rupiah. Sebenarnya di dekat kantor ada cabang restoran gado-gado terkemuka di Jakarta. Saking dekatnya, tak sampai lima menit jalan kaki sudah sampai di restoran ini. Setahuku banyak juga orang yang datang ke sini untuk makan gado-gadonya. Lebih dekat ke restoran ini daripada ke penjual gado-gado langgananku itu. Tapi sampai sekarang aku belum pernah makan gado-gado restoran ini. Alasannya sederhana. Seporsi gado-gado restoran dihargai tak kurang dari 15 ribu rupiah. Ukuran porsi aku tak tahu tetapi bi...