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Nobody's Using Blogger/Blogspot Anymore

Why bother update this at all?

That's my original thought when I checked the statistic of this blog. It seemed like no one bother to read blogs (mine or anybody's personal blog) at all. This writing used up my time and my money (internet connections aren't free nor cheap in my country).

And after further searching around topic of personal blogging, I did arrive at conclusion that no one do this anymore, just for the sake of writing. Either people monetize the blog somehow, or just quit already.

Here's what I should do, at least what I thought:

I should write more and more about any topic that interest me, aligned those topics with current situation, buy a domain name that feel pro, use non-free template for the blog, change the layout to be more interesting.

Maybe create some videos of stuffs that related to my writings, post them in YouTube, and link them in my post here, or maybe some once a month podcast post in Soundcloud?

A lot of work for a single person.


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Bugging Me

Look, I am not a person that you might call "grammar Nazi" but CMIIW, shouldn't this ad be corrected? Is it or is it not the correct word should be " SMOOTHER "?

Mengingat Jalan Raya Serpong

Ada banyak hal yang bisa kuingat dari Jalan Raya Serpong kalau nantinya aku jadi meninggalkan tempat ini. Bukan berarti aku akan merindukannya. Bisa jadi aku cuma akan mengingat beberapa hal saja sehingga perlu menuliskan beberapa hal di sini. Iklan Pilkada Ratu Atut-Rano Karno Ter- stretch  Mungkin pilkada gubernur dan wakil gubernur Propinsi Banten pada tahun 2011 ini adalah satu-satunya pilkada gubernur setempat yang aku ada di sana ketika berlangsung. Sebenarnya melihat dari jumlah spanduk, iklan billboard, stiker gratis, pamflet dan hal lainnya, bisa ditebak kalau pasangan inilah yang menjadi berbahagia sebagai pasangan yang menang! Memang sepertinya Ratu Atut masih belum ada lawan. Tidak tahu apakah Rano Karno akan berfungsi secara optimal dan efektif. Sepertinya itu adalah soal lain.

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