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Compound Interest, In Self-Study (Part 1)

 So after reading and learning about a lot of things online, in Twitter, YouTube videos, internet articles and opinion, I realized that I am solely responsible to start doing this personal upgrade activities: self-study, adequate good quality sleep, eating healthy, physical exercises, and commitment to spouse. It seemed like a lot of thing and I could be easily overwhelmed by the feelings when there are too many new materials to study.

The obstacle to my self-study intention is my discipline and commitment and consentration can easly faltered by any distraction. Like when I paused the "Introductory to R" video in YouTube because I felt sleepy. Instead of resting my head for a few minutes, I decided to open my web browser and write this post. I'm unable to just let go and relax. Not good at all.

I will talk about this "compound interest in self-study" in next post. I can't fend off sleep...


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Bugging Me

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Mengingat Jalan Raya Serpong

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